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Running the SDK Proxy

For a quick setup and test environment, the proxy only requires a single environment variable to be set; DVC_LB_PROXY_SDK_KEY. This key is used to authenticate to the CDN and Events API. You can alternatively pass in a full configured file instead of the environment variables via the -c flag.

Once the environment variable has been set - start the proxy binary.


At this point the proxy is live and ready to accept requests from any SDK that is supported. By default a TCP server will be started on localhost:8080.

SDK Configuration

Currently only Server SDKs are supported. The default configuration of the proxy will run at localhost:8080 in HTTP TCP mode. Not all SDKs are configured the same way. Please see the SDK documentation for specific configuration instructions.

Sample configurations for each SDK verified to work with the proxy are below. In a production environment, the configured hostnames should be changed to reflect the real hostname of the proxy.

PHP SDK Configuration

HTTP Socket Configuration

use DevCycle\Model\DevCycleOptions;

$options = new DevCycleOptions(
enableEdgeDB: false,
bucketingApiHostname = "hostname for sdk proxy here"

Unix Socket Configuration

use DevCycle\Model\DevCycleOptions;

$options = new DevCycleOptions(
enableEdgeDB: false,
bucketingApiHostname: "http:/localhost",
unixSocketPath: "/path/to/unix/socket"

Python SDK Configuration

from devcycle_python_sdk import DevCycleLocalOptions

options = DevCycleLocalOptions(config_cdn_uri = "http://localhost:8080/", events_api_uri = "http://localhost:8080/")

C# SDK Configuration

Local Bucketing

using DevCycle.SDK.Server.Common.Model.Local;
var options = new DevCycleLocalOptions
{ CdnUri = "http://localhost:8080/", EventsApiUri = "http://localhost:8080/" };

Cloud Bucketing

using DevCycle.SDK.Server.Common.API;
var restOptions = new DevCycleRestClientOptions { BaseUrl = new Uri("http://localhost:8080/") };